

Definition of outbound marketing

outbound marketing definition
Outbound marketing is a traditional marketing strategy in which a company actively reaches out to potential customers through various channels, such as advertising, email, telemarketing, events, and trade shows.

Definition of growth hacking

Growth hacking definition
Growth hacking is a marketing technique focused on rapid experimentation and data-driven decision making to identify and optimize ways to grow a business.

Cybermarketing: definition

Cybermarketing, also called online marketing, digital marketing or webmarketing, is the set of marketing and communication strategies used on the Internet to promote and sell products or services.

Webmarketing: definition

Webmarketing definition
Webmarketing, also called online marketing or digital marketing, is the set of marketing techniques used on the internet to promote a company, product or service.

Marketing: definition

Marketing definition
The purpose of marketing is to attract and retain customers by offering them products and services that meet their needs and desires in a profitable way for the business. Marketing is used in almost all contexts and is therefore not limited to businesses: non-profit organizations, political parties, governments use marketing to promote services, ideas, or causes.